Friday, January 30, 2009

What is I AM A TREE?

I have been studying trees for more than a decade. For a long time I was photographing and drawing them, but now I am reading and writing stories about them too. I find trees fascinating. I am not particularly knowledgeable about the different species or characteristics of trees, but I have learned a few names and facts over the years. I have learned that we are more closely related (biologically) to trees than one might think. I used to prefer certain trees more than others, and when I began drawing them I even looked down my nose at palm trees. I didn't think they really qualified. They look more like telephone poles with silly wigs. But I have come around to appreciate palms (with their strange fibrous wood) and all trees, dead or alive. I appreciate not only their beauty but also the grace with which they support life on this planet. Trees are central to human existence. Just think about toilet paper for starters. People can get pretty excited about dogs, cats, horses, what have you, but I relate to trees. I love to look at them, climb them, lean up against them and talk to them. I have been known to stare and try to draw every leaf on their innumerable branches. My fascination with trees has given me a lot of satisfaction and peace as well as insights into myself.

This Blog is a way for me to share what I am learning.
I will be posting my stories and drawings soon! I welcome your comments!!


  1. This is wonderful! I have a connection to the BIG trees. I weep every time I see a Redwood...

  2. I love trees too. They are so reliable -- always standing upright even when everyone around them slumps and droops. Today I'm looking out my window at the old, snow-covered trees, looking stoic while snowflakes fly around them excitedly. The trees on this campus (originally an arboretum) look like black sticks against the white background but they preside majestically over the little students trudging to class.
