Thursday, July 16, 2009

wild dream

This is in reference to the eczema on my hands that has plagued me for more than a year and a half. (see "Tree Bark Hands") The dream was long and drawn out and had something to do with being at the center that my teacher works out of. I wasn't really there to see him but was only dropping things off. Then scorpions started coming out of my hands. They were emerging through my skin as tiny larvae or worms poking through my skin but as they passed through they grew into full size scorpions. It was painful and disgusting. I was squeamish and trying to knock them into a sink as they came out. I was being successful at knocking them off but it took everything I had to keep up with them. There were so many and they kept coming. Just as I was thinking, will this ever stop? it did. As it was happening I had this sense of it being very important and significant. I kept thinking, Scorpions coming out of my hands, this must mean something! It was so intense and I was sure it was the end of something. It felt like a final exodus of some inner demons. They weren't interested in attacking me as they came out and I didn't get stung. They seemed only to want to escape.
My hands have been healed ever since.

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