Saturday, September 11, 2010

In Training

I have never trained for anything in my life. I mean, physically trained. But for the past week and for five more days I am considering myself in 'training' for a big hike into the wilderness. In five days I will be carrying thirty pounds on my back for twelve miles through rough terrain. Rough by my city-girl standards anyway. A lot of the trail is steep and when it's flat it's on soft sandy ground, which is even harder. Or at least that's what it was like when I did this same hike nine years ago. It's surprising how well I remember it but it left a deep impression because it was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I had to stop about every half mile or so (okay maybe more!) and rest which drove my partner (then a new boyfriend, now my husband of eight years)a little crazy. He has done this hike many times in his life and he can do it in about half the time it took us, but he was patient and sweet last time. We'll see how he handles my slowness now that he knows me better. I remember singing a lot to keep from freaking out about how much pain I was in. Everything ached and I struggled to keep my mind off it. Maybe now that I meditate daily, I will have an easier time with that. I will let you know.

Nine years ago, even though it was super hard, it was also one of the best things I have ever done. We didn't see a soul for the entire four days. We were out there all by ourselves and we had some amazing experiences. But I told myself, next time I have to prepare myself. I have to train. So that's what I'm doing, hiking at dawn most days, two or four miles up a steep trail near my house. I have new hiking boots and I can't wait to do it again.

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