Monday, October 19, 2009

Growing Dirt

I thought I could write about composting a few months ago when I started this blog. But then my compost pile got soggy and smelly and I realized I had no idea what the hell I was doing making dirt. I was making a stinking pile of rotten food that would probably kill any plant I put it on.

I started over and even though I was tempted to take a class on composting (go ahead gardeners, laugh), I never did. I figured it out, damn it, and I can now boast that I know how to grow dirt! And it's not that hard. The trick is to follow my intuition (which is getting sharper all the time) and work with good old trial and error. I now have two composting bins working full time that are moist, smell like rich earth and are warm to the touch. I also have piles of leaves and other garden waste that I am accumulating to help make more dirt.

No this is not a HOW TO because composting is sort of like learning to drive. I can't explain it in words. I'd have to show you. One thing I can say is that dirt is built from the top down. Its all about layering and getting the proportions right. And whatever goes on top will find its way down into the dirt. At the bottom, you get some mighty nice black stuff to put in your garden.

Yes I am writing this to toot my own horn because I am so proud of myself for figuring it out, but also to say it's pretty easy once you get the hang of it. You definitely have to trust yourself. I think that's the main ingredient after the kitchen scraps and the dry leaves. I also helps to have a lot of garden waste lying around that's already decomposing to throw in.

My compost piles are full of surprises. I love looking in and feeling the temp and the moisture and deciding what it needs. One day I decided the pile was dry and I started watering it. Next thing I knew a rat was flying up and out of the bin like an escapee making a break for it. Yes I was grossed out, but I just decided that bin would be for the rats to enjoy and left it at that. After all, they're just helping my compost along. But I don't think I will be putting the stuff from that bin on my vegetables...

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